• Info Booth Spotlight: Vancouver Island Druids

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Vancouver Island Druids and Garry Oak Protogrove ADF!

    The Garry Oak Protogrove is an ADF Affiliated protogrove of Druids that covers Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast, and Vancouver areas. The Vancouver Island Druids is a Facebook group dedicated to druids and people interested in Druidry on Vancouver Island. Our booth will be hosting a info table to hand out business cards, pamphlets and answer questions.

    Visit Vancouver Island Druids and Garry Oak Protogrove ADF online and in person at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day at Charles Hoey Park in Duncan on August 12th!

  • Info Booth Spotlight: Aquarian Tabernacle Church

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes our host and sponsor, Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada!

    The Aquarian Tabernacle Church was begun by a few Wiccans who wanted simply to establish a place where anyone on the path could go to celebrate the seasonal turning of the Wheel of the Year with others. It was the right idea at the right time, with the right people guiding it. The rest is history. Today, the ATC has grown into a worldwide extended family of accepting people.

    Through our public ritual group, Circle of the Sacred Muse, ATCC, we provide monthly Full Moon rituals, Sabbat Celebrations to honour the eight festivals of the Wheel of the Year, and informal monthly Coffee Cauldrons. All of our events are available both in person and online.

    Visit Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada online and in person at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day at Charles Hoey Park in Duncan on August 12th!

  • Info Booth Highlight: Vancouver Island Druids & Garry Oak Protogrove

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Vancouver Island Druids & Garry Oak Protogrove!

    The Vancouver Island Druids is a group of Druids and those interested in Druidry based around the Facebook group, Vancouver Island Druids. While the FB group is a closed group, anyone interested in Druidry is welcome to join.

    The Garry Oak Protogrove is an ADF protogrove serving Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, the Lower Mainland, and the Sunshine Coast. We provide ritual, both face-to-face and online, organized and offered by our ordained priest, the Rev. Diane Cacciato.

    Visit Vancouver Island Druids & Garry Oak Protogrove at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride on August 13th!


  • Info Booth Highlight: Garry Oak Protogrove

    Vancouver Island Druids Garry Oak Protogrove

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Garry Oak Protogrove!

    Vancouver Island Druids Garry Oak ProtogroveVancouver Island Druids is a group for people who currently identify as Druid or for people just interested in finding out what that Druidy-thing is all about! The Garry Oak Protogrove is a grove of ADF (Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship) members, although everyone is welcome to join in our rituals. We are committed to providing public rituals with trained clergy for the holy days as much as is possible.

    Visit Garry Oak Protogrove at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride on August 17th!

    Online at Garry Oak Protogrove

  • Vendor Highlight: Forest Spirit Creations

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Forest Spirit Creations!  

    Forest Spirit Creations is a family business founded on the concept of healing with the powerful plants, animals and stones around us. Whether you are treating an illness with one of our salves or tinctures, or grounding your spirit with one of our jewelry or décor pieces, you will find wellness, beauty and balance in our products.

    Visit Forest Spirit Creations at Pagan Pride Day on August 17th!

    online at Forest Spirit Creations

  • Pagan Information: Circle of the Sacred Muse, HedgeWitch Collective, Vancouver Island Druids and Garry Oak Proto-Grove

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes our island pagan groups!  

    The HedgeWitch Collective is a Victoria area coven and your host for Pagan Pride Day! We hold a regular monthly Brew HaHa coffee meet-up for newcomers. As hedgewitches, we are all individually used to practicing ‘outside of the hedge’ so many of our rituals are eclectic in nature. We became a registered non-profit last Hecate’s Day and are working our way towards affiliation with the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada. Drop by our booth meet us!

    The Circle of the Sacred Muse is an open Wiccan community serving Courtenay, Comox, Campbell River Circle of the Sacred Museand the surrounding communities on Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We celebrate the Sabbats and Full Moons – our rituals are open to the public to attend. We also have informal “coffee cauldrons,” where we can meet, share experiences, and have fun.

    Our circle is accepting of all, regardless of race, gender or orientation. Whether you are an experienced covener, new to the craft or just curious, you are welcome here. As we are told in the Charge of the Goddess, we bring “mirth and reverence” to our rituals. Circle of the Sacred Muse is an affiliate of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada. Visit them online, and then come visit them at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day!

    The Garry Oak Proto-Grove is the meeting place for members of A Druid Fellowship (ADF) on beautiful Vancouver Island.  In this group, we practice the nine virtues of ADF – wisdom, vision, piety, courage, integrity, perseverance, fertility, moderation, and hospitality. Visit them at their website https://garry-oak.ca/ and you can meet them in person on Pagan Pride Day, sharing a table with the Vancouver Islands Druids.

    Vancouver Island Druids is a place for people on or near Vancouver Island who are interested in Neo-Druidry and friendly, informative and supportive discussions. The group hosts Sabbats up and down the island, recently at the Esquimalt Lagoon in Victoria and in Nanaimo. You can find them online or drop by their table in the Pavilion at the Sooke Region Museum on August 11th!.

  • Pagan Pride Day Press Release

  • Vendor Highlight: Forest Spirit Creations

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Forest Spirit Creations!  

    Forest Spirit Creations is a family business founded on the concept of healing with the powerful plants, animals and stones around us. Whether you are treating an illness with one of our salves or tinctures, or grounding your spirit with one of our jewelry or décor pieces, you will find wellness, beauty and balance in our products.

    Visit Forest Spirit Creations at Pagan Pride Day in Sooke on August 11th!

    online at Forest Spirit Creations

  • Info Booth Highlight: The HedgeWitch Collective

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day welcomes the HedgeWitch Collective!

    We are a collective of solitary witches who got together because even a solitary needs community at times! We celebrate the moons and meet monthly for our Brew Ha-Ha at Serious Coffee in Esquimalt.

    Come visit our booth at Pagan Pride to learn more. The HedgeWitch Collective on Facebook

  • Info Booth Highlight: The Heathen Freehold Society of BC

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes back the Heathen Freehold Society of BC! heathen

    Heathen Freehold Society of BC, a universalist heathen organization dedicated to the study and practice of the ancient faith of the tribes of Northern Europe.

    Visit the Heathen Freehold Society of BC on Pagan Pride Day!

    Heathen Freehold Society of BC on Facebook