• Info Booth Highlight: Vancouver Island Druids & Garry Oak Protogrove

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Vancouver Island Druids & Garry Oak Protogrove!

    The Vancouver Island Druids is a group of Druids and those interested in Druidry based around the Facebook group, Vancouver Island Druids. While the FB group is a closed group, anyone interested in Druidry is welcome to join.

    The Garry Oak Protogrove is an ADF protogrove serving Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, the Lower Mainland, and the Sunshine Coast. We provide ritual, both face-to-face and online, organized and offered by our ordained priest, the Rev. Diane Cacciato.

    Visit Vancouver Island Druids & Garry Oak Protogrove at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride on August 13th!


  • Info Booth Highlight: Garry Oak Protogrove

    Vancouver Island Druids Garry Oak Protogrove

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Garry Oak Protogrove!

    Vancouver Island Druids Garry Oak ProtogroveVancouver Island Druids is a group for people who currently identify as Druid or for people just interested in finding out what that Druidy-thing is all about! The Garry Oak Protogrove is a grove of ADF (Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship) members, although everyone is welcome to join in our rituals. We are committed to providing public rituals with trained clergy for the holy days as much as is possible.

    Visit Garry Oak Protogrove at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride on August 17th!

    Online at Garry Oak Protogrove

  • Info Booth Highlight: MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes back MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre!

    We are a non profit mostly volunteer run.  We rescue and rehab all native birds and mammals except bear, cougar wolves and adult ungulates.  Our goal is to release back to the wild.  We attend many community events and schools to share what we have learned and raise awareness of MARS.

    Visit MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre on Pagan Pride Day in Lewis Park, Courtenay!

    Online at MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre    

  • Vendor Highlight: Studio Esoterica

    ​Studio Esoterica is the brainchild of Cece Pitts Henderson (Gypsy Cece) of Vancouver Island, BC.  Gypsy is a disabled army veteran faced with the challenge of constantly seeking new ways to express herself artistically within the limits set by her physical capabilities.  Studio Esoterica was created to host this journey of One and to showcase Gypsy’s craftsmanship.  However, as fate would have it, Gypsy Cece met two other artists 20292950_1755237591440345_280598947848022910_n.jpgon their own artistic quests …. and soon the One became Three.  Studio Esoterica is not your typical gallery or marketplace, it’s an umbrella for Three spiritual and creative ladies to huddle together under and share their ideas and resources with one another so that each individual woman’s creative ventures shall flourish…. That, is Studio Esoterica.
    More information at: here
  • Info Booth Highlight: AIDS Vancouver Island

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes AIDS Vancouver Island! avi

    AIDS Vancouver Island serves the needs of people infected and affected by HIV and hepatitis C on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. We take evidence-based action to prevent infection, provide support, and reduce stigma.

    On Facebook at AIDS Vancouver Island and the Courtenay office is on the web at avi.org/courtenay

  • Info Booth Highlight: Circle of Kindred Spirits

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes the Circle of Kindred Spirits! kindred2

    Heather and Brenda welcome you to Circle of Kindred Spirits. The circle is a young probationary Wiccan temple under CWA BC located in the Comox Valley and on the North Island. The circle has an eclectic flavour and is open to everyone who wishes to participate. The circle celebrates all of the Sabbats, Esbats and can assist in arranging a legal handfasting.

    Look for the group on Facebook at Circle of Kindred Spirits

  • Are you part of a spiritual group?

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride is looking for spiritual and pagan groups to share information at this year’s Pagan Pride Day.

    Sharing InformationThis is an opportunity to spread the word about your group, meet new people and attract new members! Be prepared for wonderful conversations.

    Info booths are only $15. We’d love to have you join us!

    We also still have space for a workshop! Contact us for more information.