Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day introduces our fascinating workshop presenters!
Ritual Construction: Invocation as a Form of Worship with Belladonna Laveau at 10:30am. The Gods of Eleusis are invoked into Priests and Priestesses, so that the Gods can speak directly to you. Being touched by Deity in this way is life changing for all who experience it. Drawing Down the Moon, Invocation, Trance Prophecy are ritual techniques which allow Deity to enter your body and speak through you. This workshop will cover how to invoke successfully; why to invoke; how to know you have invoked.
The World Beneath Our Feet at 11:45am. We will explore and rediscover Traditional uses for common plants and weeds that surround us. Many common weeds and plants have been used cross culturally for Medicine, Food or Craft for centuries.
A Language of Life at 2:15pm. The words we use have the power to create our world. Take the first steps toward healing pain and creating peace through the language you use every day in a workshop facilitated by Michele Favarger, Arch Priestess of ATC-Canada and certified Nonviolent Communication trainer.
Expand your awareness by attending these captivating workshops on Pagan Pride Day!