• Today is the Day! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

    This is it! It’s so exciting! We’ve been working for months, and the day is finally here.

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day Gives Back to the Cowichan Valley – On Saturday, August 13th, Charles Hoey Park will host the 16th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day.

    Vendors, artisans, and spiritual groups from all over Vancouver Island will come together to celebrate diversity in spirituality. Pagan Pride Day is an international project that promotes tolerance and understanding between people with different belief systems through education, activism, charity and community.

    The time of year is carefully chosen to celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of our efforts with our community. Each year the Pagan Pride committee chooses charitable organizations that have a positive effect in the community and dedicates its hard work and energy towards raising donations for those organizations.  This year Pagan Pride is excited to be collecting donations and non-perishable food items for Cowichan Green Community. Previous events have raised considerable amounts for MARS Wildlife Rescue Society, the Comox Valley Food Bank, LUSH Valley Food Society, Greenways Land Trust, the Goldstream Food Bank and Life Cycles Community Projects. Vancouver Island Pride Day aims to show the public what Paganism is about through a daylong collection of workshops, rituals and demonstrations.

    It’s also a time for the Pagan community to come together and celebrate our diversity with live entertainment and vendor tables with goods and services from pagan or pagan friendly businesses and organizations. “It’s going to be challenging to top last year’s event, but we have a great team.”

    “We’re all looking forward to connecting with and contributing to the community,” says Mary Malinski, High Priestess of the Circle of the Sacred Muse and Maiden of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada.

    The 16th annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day will be held on Saturday, August 13th at Charles Hoey Park in Duncan from 11 am to 4 pm. The event is open to everyone and admission is free, though donations for the Food Bank and Cowichan Green Community are highly encouraged.

  • Vendor Highlight: Rainyday Curiosities

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes back Rainyday Curiosities!

    Rainyday Curiosities has a wide variety of affordable Blue Lotus products that you are sure to love. We procure our Blue Lotus flowers from a Thai company, Thasai International, that practices sustainable harvesting without the use of pesticides and fertilizers, producing a steady supply of flowers throughout the year.

    Visit Rainyday Curiosities at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day on August 13th!

    Rainyday Curiosities




  • Pagan Pride Day Press Release

  • Today is the Day! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

    This is it! It’s so exciting! We’ve been working for months, and the day is finally here.

    vippd poster 2016Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day Gives Back to the Comox Valley – On Saturday, August 12th, Lewis Park will host the 13th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day.

    Vendors, artisans, and spiritual groups from all over Vancouver Island will come together to celebrate diversity in spirituality. Pagan Pride Day is an international project that promotes tolerance and understanding between people with different belief systems through education, activism, charity and community.

    The time of year is carefully chosen to celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of our efforts with our community. Each year the Pagan Pride committee chooses charitable organizations that have a positive effect in the community and dedicates its hard work and energy towards raising donations for those organizations.  This year Pagan Pride is excited to be collecting donations and non-perishable food items for Greenways Land Trust and the Comox Valley Food Bank. Last year’s event saw $300 raised for both MARS Wildlife Rescue Society and the Comox Valley Food Bank. Vancouver Island Pride Day aims to show the public what Paganism is about through a daylong collection of workshops, rituals and demonstrations.

    It’s also a time for the Pagan community to come together and celebrate our diversity with live entertainment and vendor tables with goods and services from pagan or pagan friendly businesses and organizations. “It’s going to be challenging to top last year’s event, but we have a great team.”

    “We’re all looking forward to connecting with and contributing to the community,” says Mary Malinski, High Priestess of the Circle of the Sacred Muse and Maiden of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada.

    The 13th annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day will be held on Saturday, August 12th at Lewis Park from 10 am to 4 pm. The event is open to everyone and admission is free, though donations for the Food Bank and Greenways Land Trust are highly encouraged.

  • Let Us Entertain You!

    Part of the fun of Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day is all of the wonderful entertainers, and we have a fantastic line up for you again this year!roger helfrick

    Roger Helfrick Roger has been performing professionally since 1994 after the release of his first album “The Call”. Singing since the age of 18, Roger purchased his first harp in 1993 and taught himself to play. He has performed with many ensembles including the St. F.X. Chamber Choir, the Calgary Opera Chorus and the Calgary Renaissance Singers and Players. His expansive repertoire has included ancient Greek, medieval, and renaissance as well as fold music from Japan, Germany, Norway, Iceland, the British Isles and Ireland. Roger lives on Vancouver Island and is working more with improvisation and intuition to create new works that deal with the passing of seasons, joy, love, silence and living in the present. We welcome him back this year to perform as our headliner! Visit his website at www.rogerhelfrick.ca for more information.

    Amy Muloin Amy Muloin is a singer/songwriter who hails from Campbell River. She has been crafting original country folk tunes, for the past five years.she is a modest artist with a powerful voice. Last year’s Wood Stove Festival in Cumberland said “Amy Muloin will make you want to quit your job and sing songs around campfires full time. Her soaring vocals and groovy rhythm guitar take you on adventures through creativity, love, and the pursuit of passion.”

    Vic and Steve Ruskin with Blaine Dunaway! Vic and Steve have been a musical duo for over 30 years. They slide comfortably from ballads to blues, celtic to contemporary, ragtime (rock/rockabilly) to reggae and even a dash of Latin to add a bit more spice. Steve is a piano player but his portable keyboards have opened up a world of instrumental opportunity allowing him to choose the most effective sounds for each song.Vivian plays guitar, mandolin and does the lead vocals, with Steve adding choice harmonies. Blaine is one of Canada’s foremost improvising violinists. Performer, teacher, composer, conductor, Blaine Dunaway plays throughout Vancouver Island with a wide variety of friends, visit his website at www.blainedunaway.com

    Come and be enchanted by these fabulous performers live on Pagan Pride Day, August 12th in Courtenay!


  • Today’s the Day! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

    This is it! It’s so exciting! We’ve been working for months, and the day is finally here.

    vippd poster 2016Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day Gives Back to the Comox Valley – On Saturday, August 13th, Lewis Park will host the 12th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day.

    Vendors, artisans, and spiritual groups from all over Vancouver Island will come together to celebrate diversity in spirituality. Pagan Pride Day is an international project that promotes tolerance and understanding between people with different belief systems through education, activism, charity and community.

    The time of year is carefully chosen to celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of our efforts with our community. Each year the Pagan Pride committee chooses charitable organizations that have a positive effect in the community and dedicates its hard work and energy towards raising donations for those organizations.  This year Pagan Pride is excited to be collecting donations and non-perishable food items for Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society and the Comox Valley Food Bank. Last year’s event saw $300 raised for both LUSH Valley Food Action Society and the Comox Valley Food Bank. Vancouver Island Pride Day aims to show the public what Paganism is about through a daylong collection of workshops, rituals and demonstrations.

    It’s also a time for the Pagan community to come together and celebrate our diversity with live entertainment and vendor tables with goods and services from pagan or pagan friendly businesses and organizations. “It’s going to be challenging to top last year’s event, but we have a great team.

    We’re all looking forward to connecting with and contributing to the community,” says Mary Malinski, High Priestess of the Circle of the Sacred Muse and Maiden of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada.

    The 12th annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day will be held on Saturday, August 13th at Lewis Park from 10 am to 4 pm. The event is open to everyone and admission is free, though donations for the Food Bank and MARS are highly encouraged.

  • Yule Masquerade Ball! Dec. 19, 2015


    On December 19th, come join our band of merry making pagans at Dove Creek Hall in Courtney  for a evening of family friendly fun celebrating the soon-to-be reborn Sun God, and the returning of the light!

    Dress in your finest fancy clothes, and slide into the mystery of the masquerade with your best Labyrinth inspired masque. Be they wild, beautiful or magickal-masks are a must!

    A mixture of pagan friendly, holiday and dancing tunes are bound to get your feet moving and your blood flowing. Bid on great goodies in the Silent Auction, a Costume Contest (ribbons and bragging rights will be rewarded for both silly and serious categories), if we’ve been extra good we may even have a visit from the physical Christmas fae himself: Santa clause.

    Join us for dancing, and revelry; imbibe in some spirits and get in the holiday spirit of celebration and giving with us at the first North Island Yule Masquerade Ball fundraiser. Proceeds go to Circle of the Sacred Muse and Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day 2016.


    Event Info:

    Date:  December 19, 2015

    Time:  7:00pm to 11:00pm

    Address:  Dove Creek Hall 3400 Burns Rd, Courtney, BC

  • Let Us Entertain You!

    Part of the fun of Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day is all of the wonderful entertainers, and we have a fantastic line up for you this year!

    Tricia Campbell Tricia will perform in an ancient Egyptian style of belly dancing. Tricia was a student of Gillian Saxby from Denman Island and Sue Saxby hailing from Quadra Island. She has adapted her style and will hail us with her interpretation.

    Amy Muloin Amy Muloin is a singer/songwriter who hails from Campbell River. She has been crafting original country folk tunes, for the past five years.she is a modest artist with a powerful voice. She is excited to release her first album in the near future!

    Cat & Calvin A staple in the Campbell River music scene, this duo is coined as transgenerational. They draw from their vast songbook covering classics from the 60’s to current top 40. Cat has a sultry haunting voice and is accompanied by her masterful husband on guitar. From David Bowie to Amy Winehouse, this duo is a polished and engaging couple that evoke strong emotional connection with their material. A sampling can be viewed on youtube: Cathy Kalyniuk – Famous Blue Raincoat Cover 2009 (accompanied by Michael Wilson on keys)

    roger helfrickRoger Helfrick Roger has been performing professionally since 1994 after the release of his first album “The Call”. Singing since the age of 18, Roger purchased his first harp in 1993 and taught himself to play. He has performed with many ensembles including the St. F.X. Chamber Choir, the Calgary Opera Chorus and the Calgary Renaissance Singers and Players. His expansive repertoire has included ancient Greek, medieval, and renaissance as well as fold music from Japan, Germany, Norway, Iceland, the British Isles and Ireland. Roger lives on Vancouver Island and is working more with improvisation and intuition to create new works that deal with the passing of seasons, joy, love, silence and living in the present. We welcome him back this year to perform as our headliner! Visit his website at www.rogerhelfrick.ca for more information.

    Bee Wolf Ray Bee Wolf Ray is a singer-songwriter currently living on Hornby Island. Bee’s music has a raw, sweet sound that is inspiring and often stirring ideas and images. Her voice has been compared to such diverse artists as Buffy St. Marie, Bjork, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin and Ricki Lee Jones. She is passionate about the songwriting process and about music as a force for personal transformation and the evolution of human consciousness. Bee is often seen accompanying, and being accompanied by, Peter Cloud Panjoyah. On ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/beewolfray On facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bee.wolfray.music

    Joanna Finch Joanna Finch will lead us in a “Song-Sensual Circle Jam”. VocalEase Director, Joanna leads a world music song and dance circle with enlivening improvisational games and chants that celebrate earthly pleasure and the Sacred Divine in all. Please visit her site at www.vocalease.ca