• Vendor Highlight: Sakura Spiritual Arts

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Sakura Spiritual Arts!

    Sakura Spiritual ArtsSakura Spiritual Arts is a duo of artists who handmade many products including Northern European Drums, rattles, runes, Mala, sacred jewelry, journals, buttons, athame, and a variety of other items. We also have selection of crystals that we set up with our hand made items keeping the costs to consumers as low as possible. Anything we make we are willing to teach others how to make. We will host group or one-to-one opportunities for creating your own tools.

    Visit Sakura Spiritual Arts at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride on August 13th!

  • Vendor Highlight: Rainyday Curiosities

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes back Rainyday Curiosities!

    Rainyday Curiosities has a wide variety of affordable Blue Lotus products that you are sure to love. We procure our Blue Lotus flowers from a Thai company, Thasai International, that practices sustainable harvesting without the use of pesticides and fertilizers, producing a steady supply of flowers throughout the year.

    Visit Rainyday Curiosities at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day on August 13th!

    Rainyday Curiosities




  • Vendor Highlight: Celts and Vikings Mythology Shoppe

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes back the Celts and Vikings Mythology Shoppe!

    The place for Gothic home decor, clothing and accessories! Visit the Celts and Vikings Mythology Shoppe at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride on August 13th!
    Celts and Vikings Mythology Shoppe





  • Pagan Information: Circle of the Sacred Muse, HedgeWitch Collective, Vancouver Island Druids and Garry Oak Proto-Grove

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes our island pagan groups!  

    The HedgeWitch Collective is a Victoria area coven and your host for Pagan Pride Day! We hold a regular monthly Brew HaHa coffee meet-up for newcomers. As hedgewitches, we are all individually used to practicing ‘outside of the hedge’ so many of our rituals are eclectic in nature. We became a registered non-profit last Hecate’s Day and are working our way towards affiliation with the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada. Drop by our booth meet us!

    The Circle of the Sacred Muse is an open Wiccan community serving Courtenay, Comox, Campbell River Circle of the Sacred Museand the surrounding communities on Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We celebrate the Sabbats and Full Moons – our rituals are open to the public to attend. We also have informal “coffee cauldrons,” where we can meet, share experiences, and have fun.

    Our circle is accepting of all, regardless of race, gender or orientation. Whether you are an experienced covener, new to the craft or just curious, you are welcome here. As we are told in the Charge of the Goddess, we bring “mirth and reverence” to our rituals. Circle of the Sacred Muse is an affiliate of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada. Visit them online, and then come visit them at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day!

    The Garry Oak Proto-Grove is the meeting place for members of A Druid Fellowship (ADF) on beautiful Vancouver Island.  In this group, we practice the nine virtues of ADF – wisdom, vision, piety, courage, integrity, perseverance, fertility, moderation, and hospitality. Visit them at their website https://garry-oak.ca/ and you can meet them in person on Pagan Pride Day, sharing a table with the Vancouver Islands Druids.

    Vancouver Island Druids is a place for people on or near Vancouver Island who are interested in Neo-Druidry and friendly, informative and supportive discussions. The group hosts Sabbats up and down the island, recently at the Esquimalt Lagoon in Victoria and in Nanaimo. You can find them online or drop by their table in the Pavilion at the Sooke Region Museum on August 11th!.

  • Raffle Prizes Galore!

    Our community is very generous – we’ve seen it again and again. We have some incredibly generous prizes for this year’s raffle.

    Fundraiser-RaffleCheck out all of the amazing prizes!

    Deep Peace – Gift Certificate
    Studio Esoterica – Handcrafted cedar wand, pocket sized stone altar God and Goddess set, and a hand rolled cedar smudge wand
    Bat-Fish Studio – Tube*Bella pendant 100% up-cycled product made from the inner tube of bicycle tires & found objects
    Turner Art Pottery Studio – pair of stoneware cups
    Soul Gem Creations – Faerie Bottle, Dragons Vein Agate pendant, and swirl ring
    Walks Within – set of guided meditation CDs
    The Bandwagon Food Truck – 2 meals plus dessert
    West Coast Witch Wear – 4 hours of private sewing or quilting lessons
    Mystic Lotus – incense packs
    Ellen Rainwalker – Bead necklace with Goddess pendant
    Little Love Letter Arts – shining star necklace pendant
    Grey Owl Tattoo & Fine Art – One Hour of Tattooing
    Alicia Johnson Coaching – Chair Massage and Tarot Reading package 1.5 hour service
    Lovewinx by Shannon – Frisky Legs Trio
    Mystic Earth Creations – Himalayan Salt Lamp
    Changes by Jenna – Orgonite Cell Phone Charm
    The Romance Shop – Gift Certificate
    SuzannArt – Crystal anklet: Labradorite, Amethyst, Garnet and Smoky quartz with silver plated chain and leaf charm
    Lady Glitz – Swarovski earrings
    Intuitive Suzy – handcrafted scarves + online tarot reading
    Health Light Love – Set of three Inspirational Photo Notecards and a pen
    Balance BodyWorx – Reflexology Gift Certificate
    Epicure with Kyli – Epicure Cheesecake Bundle

    Raffle tickets are $2 each, or 3 for $5. You do not need to be present to win! All proceeds go to cover the costs of Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day so we can donate more to our charities, The Comox Valley Food Bank and Greenways Land Trust.

  • Today is the Day! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

    This is it! It’s so exciting! We’ve been working for months, and the day is finally here.

    vippd poster 2016Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day Gives Back to the Comox Valley – On Saturday, August 12th, Lewis Park will host the 13th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day.

    Vendors, artisans, and spiritual groups from all over Vancouver Island will come together to celebrate diversity in spirituality. Pagan Pride Day is an international project that promotes tolerance and understanding between people with different belief systems through education, activism, charity and community.

    The time of year is carefully chosen to celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of our efforts with our community. Each year the Pagan Pride committee chooses charitable organizations that have a positive effect in the community and dedicates its hard work and energy towards raising donations for those organizations.  This year Pagan Pride is excited to be collecting donations and non-perishable food items for Greenways Land Trust and the Comox Valley Food Bank. Last year’s event saw $300 raised for both MARS Wildlife Rescue Society and the Comox Valley Food Bank. Vancouver Island Pride Day aims to show the public what Paganism is about through a daylong collection of workshops, rituals and demonstrations.

    It’s also a time for the Pagan community to come together and celebrate our diversity with live entertainment and vendor tables with goods and services from pagan or pagan friendly businesses and organizations. “It’s going to be challenging to top last year’s event, but we have a great team.”

    “We’re all looking forward to connecting with and contributing to the community,” says Mary Malinski, High Priestess of the Circle of the Sacred Muse and Maiden of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada.

    The 13th annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day will be held on Saturday, August 12th at Lewis Park from 10 am to 4 pm. The event is open to everyone and admission is free, though donations for the Food Bank and Greenways Land Trust are highly encouraged.

  • Let Us Entertain You!

    Part of the fun of Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day is all of the wonderful entertainers, and we have a fantastic line up for you again this year!roger helfrick

    Roger Helfrick Roger has been performing professionally since 1994 after the release of his first album “The Call”. Singing since the age of 18, Roger purchased his first harp in 1993 and taught himself to play. He has performed with many ensembles including the St. F.X. Chamber Choir, the Calgary Opera Chorus and the Calgary Renaissance Singers and Players. His expansive repertoire has included ancient Greek, medieval, and renaissance as well as fold music from Japan, Germany, Norway, Iceland, the British Isles and Ireland. Roger lives on Vancouver Island and is working more with improvisation and intuition to create new works that deal with the passing of seasons, joy, love, silence and living in the present. We welcome him back this year to perform as our headliner! Visit his website at www.rogerhelfrick.ca for more information.

    Amy Muloin Amy Muloin is a singer/songwriter who hails from Campbell River. She has been crafting original country folk tunes, for the past five years.she is a modest artist with a powerful voice. Last year’s Wood Stove Festival in Cumberland said “Amy Muloin will make you want to quit your job and sing songs around campfires full time. Her soaring vocals and groovy rhythm guitar take you on adventures through creativity, love, and the pursuit of passion.”

    Vic and Steve Ruskin with Blaine Dunaway! Vic and Steve have been a musical duo for over 30 years. They slide comfortably from ballads to blues, celtic to contemporary, ragtime (rock/rockabilly) to reggae and even a dash of Latin to add a bit more spice. Steve is a piano player but his portable keyboards have opened up a world of instrumental opportunity allowing him to choose the most effective sounds for each song.Vivian plays guitar, mandolin and does the lead vocals, with Steve adding choice harmonies. Blaine is one of Canada’s foremost improvising violinists. Performer, teacher, composer, conductor, Blaine Dunaway plays throughout Vancouver Island with a wide variety of friends, visit his website at www.blainedunaway.com

    Come and be enchanted by these fabulous performers live on Pagan Pride Day, August 12th in Courtenay!


  • Not to be missed! The White Goddess Ritual at Pagan Pride Day

    White Goddess

    Belladonna Laveau and Dusty Dionne of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Intl, join Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day to share the White Goddess Ritual.

    The White Goddess Ritual: The Bright Mother, the All Mother, Queen of Heaven, longs to speak with you and hold you in her arms. In her nurturing embrace, She will reminds you that life is full of challenges and victories, that you are precious to her, and by learning your lessons, and bringing that knowledge and awareness to light, you enrich the lives of all whom you might touch. By whatever name you call her, come to speak with She, whom we adore, the Great Mother, who gives you life, and blesses your path with those things that you need. You will be able to speak directly with the Goddess, as She is invoked through Her Priestess, Belladonna Laveau the Archpriestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church.

    Belladonna Laveau, APS
    Bella is the Archpriestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Intl. and Dean of WiccanSeminary.EDU, the only formal Wiccan sponsored college. Bella’s book, Awakening Spirit, is used by our US Military to help chaplains minister to Wiccan Troops, and is part of the Freshman core curriculum in the Seminary. A Navy Veteran, Mother of three, and professional Spiritual Counselor; Bella is a full-time Wiccan Priestess. Her ministry helps professionalize Wiccan Clergy and provide resources for existing Wiccan ministers to be more effective in serving a modern congregation.

    Dusty Dionne- Dusty Dionne, HP
    Dusty is the High Summoner for the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, and High Priest of the Mother Church Congregation. Studying for 10 years at Pete Pathfinder’s knee, he has taken up Pete’s work as a civil rights champion and protector of religious rights, working with churches of all faiths all over the country, who find themselves hindered by their local law officials. Torn between stand-up comedian and a calling to serve Goddess, Dusty entertains us with humor and anecdotes, while revealing the mysteries of the path.

  • Info Booth Highlight: Circle of the Sacred Muse

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes back Circle of the Sacred Muse and the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada!

    Circle of the Sacred MuseThe Circle of the Sacred Muse is an open Wiccan community serving Courtenay, Comox, Campbell River and the surrounding communities on Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We celebrate the Sabbats and Full Moons – our rituals are open to the public to attend. We also have informal “coffee cauldrons,” where we can meet, share experiences, and have fun.

    Our circle is accepting of all, regardless of race, gender or orientation. Whether you are an experienced covener, new to the craft or just curious, you are welcome here. As we are told in the Charge of the Goddess, we bring “mirth and reverence” to our rituals.

    Circle of the Sacred Muse is an affiliate of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada. Visit them online, and then come visit them at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day!

  • Vendor Highlight: Emma Heitzmann Art Studio

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Emma Heitzmann Art Studio!

    Emma Heitzmann is an emerging artist who especially enjoys sculptural work. Much of her current work is ceramic and she enjoys it when what she makes has a functional as well as artistic design.

    Emma moved to Comox Valley in late 2011 having graduated from a graphic design program in Calgary and has been a part of the Fine Arts Program at NIC since 2012. She loves playing with clay and spending time exploring the alchemy of ceramics to develop new projects from the natural world. She also has been exploring the wider realm of sculpture in metal and wood and alternative materials within the last year.

    Emma’s eclectic background is reflected in what she chooses to shape in clay. You might find a set of four ‘Metta-meditation cups’ or a whimsical figure from the latest fantasy novel she’s read. Some of her latest creations range from fungi-inspired cups and tea-pots to bee decorated plates and bowls she’s christened ‘bee-ware.’  All pieces marry the principles of purpose to the fires of the imagination.

    Emma is devoted to mastery in her craft and revels with glee in the possibilities of what she can create next. She shares her knowledge by volunteering in pottery programs at the Campbell River recreation center. She welcomes inquiries about commissioned work.

    You can visit Emma Heitzmann Art Studio at Pagan Pride Day!