• Performer Highlight: Wherzpeter

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Wherzpeter! 

    Wherzpeter is Paul Winfield & Mary Livingstone, an acoustic Canadiana folk roots duo from the Kootenays in British Columbia. Their music brings spirit and song together and combines passion, finesse and good humour into guitar-driven, vocally harmonic sound.

    You can see Wherzpeter in person at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day at Charles Hoey Park in Duncan on August 12th!


  • Vendor Spotlight: Dragonspire’s Den

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Dragonspire’s Den! 

    I am Heatherly Dracos, also known as Dragonspire the ADHD Dragon. My online shop is Dragonspire’s Den. I am so excited to show you my CRYSTALS and local artisan works! I am an Intuitive Crystal Healer and my goal through Dragonspire’s Den is to not only share access to the amazing healing power of crystals at affordable prices, but to also build a safe, healthy community for like-minded people to hang out and build friendships and support.

    You can visit Dragonspire’s Den online and in person at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day at Charles Hoey Park in Duncan on August 12th!

  • Performer Highlight: Hekate’s Torch

    Hekate's Torch

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Hekate’s Torch!

    Hekate's TorchCanadian Pagan Rock band formed by Femi Heqet aka Mohana – vocals, melody and synth, Robert Johnson – guitar and lyrics and Ebony Heqet Johnson, mascot. May Her Torch Be With You!

    Robert Johnson and Femi Heqet are Hekate’s Torch, Robert is a poet and a songwriter who plays guitar and saxophone. He enjoys mixing and recording original music.

    Femi Heqet, aka Mohana is a Brazilian singer/songwriter who started singing and acting at the age of 5. Wrote her first poems at the age of 16. Soprano for the Amazon Choir conducted by Dirson Costa from 1998 to 2001. Started singing professionally and composing her first songs in English in 1999 in Alternative Rock style. Awarded for the play “Reflexiones de la Naturaleza” in Tena – Ecuador, 1st prize at the Drama and Music Festival/2010, as writer and producer. Awarded for the Best play soundtrack in the 5th Amazon Drama Festival together with Mikelane de Almeida and Douglas Rodrigues. Many shows performed live in Brazil, Venezuela and Ecuador.

    See and hear Hekate’s Torch perform at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day August 17th!

    Visit Hekate’s Torch online

  • VIPPD says thank you thank you to each and everyone of you!

    We’d like to thank everyone of who attended our 14th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day – you are the reason we had such an incredible day! We’d also like to thank (and please please message us if we’ve overlooked anyone!):

    Our wonderful community support:

    Extra special thanks to the Circle of the Sacred Muse: Mary, David, Alex, Ranan, Dawne, Cece and Kerri and Michele for our magical main ritual and to everyone who participated in the ritual – yay! your energy stabilized the high pressure zone above us and stopped the showers?

    Our fabulous performers:

    Our amazing workshop presenters:


    Our superstar volunteers:

    • Tori, Jim, Holly, Katie, Khris, Angus, Albert, Lianne, Del, Neahla, Ian, Kelly, Darryl
    • Michele, aka Our Most Exalted Chopped Liver – you did a fabulous job with the magical threshold to prosperity!
    • And the Immensely Malinski clan for pitching in throughout the day

    Our marvellous Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day Vendors, Readers and Information Tables – thank you for all your fantastic donations to the raffle table as well!

    We’ll see you next year for the 15th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day! and yes, photos from the day are on their way:)


  • Pagan Pride Day Press Release

  • Its Official! Pagan Pride Day moves to Sooke, BC

    14th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Dayvolunteer for vancouver island pagan pride day
    Saturday, August 11th, 2018
    10 am – 4 pm
    Sooke Region Museum, Sooke

    The Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day is an annual event held at various locations throughout Vancouver Island. Previous events have been held at Kin Park on the beautiful Departure Bay Beach in Nanaimo, the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds and most recently in Lewis Park, Courtenay. This year, we’re excited to move to the southern part of the island to magical Sooke!

    The day is full of musical entertainment, speakers from around the province, demonstrations, workshops, vendor tables full of Pagan and Pagan friendly goods and services as well as great food!

    The general public is invited and there are usually tables of reading materials, staffed by members of a range of Neopagan denominations. Speakers may focus on dispelling common misconceptions about Neopaganism, or they may seek to educate outsiders about the details of their particular beliefs and practices. This year’s event will include information about Pagans in the Military, as well as Pagans on the Inside – those members of pagan faith groups in prisons across Canada.

    Pagan Pride Day has served to connect and educate people since the first event was held in 2005. This has facilitated the tremendous growth of our community. What was once a small gathering of like-minded people has blossomed into an annual festival offering a variety of entertainment, education, demonstrations, and vendors.

    It has become a place to gather as a community and celebrate, and also to give back, through donations and support of the local food banks and other organizations. Last year, proceeds from the day went to support the Comox Valley Food Bank and Greenways Land Trust.

    This event has allowed many to access information about Paganism as a religion and as a way of life in a safe environment. So join us to celebrate and share the harvest!

  • Info Booth Highlight: MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes back MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre!

    We are a non profit mostly volunteer run.  We rescue and rehab all native birds and mammals except bear, cougar wolves and adult ungulates.  Our goal is to release back to the wild.  We attend many community events and schools to share what we have learned and raise awareness of MARS.

    Visit MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre on Pagan Pride Day in Lewis Park, Courtenay!

    Online at MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre    

  • Vendor Highlight: Magic Touch On Site Chair Massage

    Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Magic Touch On Site Chair Massage! 

    We are husband and wife certified chair massage providers and we are insured. We provide chair massage to clients who wants to have a massage for relaxation and for wellness and quality of life. Clients will be sitting down on an ergonomical chair fully clothed and we will will do the massage.

    You can visit Magic Touch On Site Chair Massage at Pagan Pride Day in Lewis Park, Courtenay!

  • Yule Masquerade Ball! Dec. 19, 2015


    On December 19th, come join our band of merry making pagans at Dove Creek Hall in Courtney  for a evening of family friendly fun celebrating the soon-to-be reborn Sun God, and the returning of the light!

    Dress in your finest fancy clothes, and slide into the mystery of the masquerade with your best Labyrinth inspired masque. Be they wild, beautiful or magickal-masks are a must!

    A mixture of pagan friendly, holiday and dancing tunes are bound to get your feet moving and your blood flowing. Bid on great goodies in the Silent Auction, a Costume Contest (ribbons and bragging rights will be rewarded for both silly and serious categories), if we’ve been extra good we may even have a visit from the physical Christmas fae himself: Santa clause.

    Join us for dancing, and revelry; imbibe in some spirits and get in the holiday spirit of celebration and giving with us at the first North Island Yule Masquerade Ball fundraiser. Proceeds go to Circle of the Sacred Muse and Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day 2016.


    Event Info:

    Date:  December 19, 2015

    Time:  7:00pm to 11:00pm

    Address:  Dove Creek Hall 3400 Burns Rd, Courtney, BC

  • Well Done, Vancouver Island Pagans!

    Food Bank DonationGive yourselves a pat on the back! Through your generosity and support, the 2015 Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day raised over 100 lbs of food for the Comox Valley Food Bank, and we were able to contribute $300 to both the Comox Valley Food Bank and LUSH Valley Food Action Society!

    The Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day committee is grateful to each and every individual and organization that contributed to making this event a success. Your efforts help to make this harvest more bountiful for everyone.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!