• Vendor Highlight: Mystic Lotus

    Our ladies clothing, jewelry, huge spiritual collection, musical instruments, home furnishings, and furniture are ALL FAIR TRADE and personally hand selected by our owner while on an overseas buying trip each year. This means that new stock is constantly arriving.
    Make sure to check out MYSTIC LOTUS on FACEBOOK for a photo collection of her S.E. Asian buying trips as well as updates on our festival circuit and new PROMOS.
    We do the SUMMER BY THE SEA market every Tuesday ( from 6pm to 9pm) on Craig St. in Parksville as well as many outdoor festivals and events around Vancouver Island year round…Watch for us !!!
    In the winter we participate in several Fair Trade Christmas Craft Shows all up and down Vancouver Island….. including one in Parksville at Knox United Church, the FAIR CRAFT BAZAAR.
    By continuously purchasing at Cottage Industry levels, we know exa
    ctly who make our remarkable goods and we see first hand how this helps benefit our suppliers so they can continue to maintain their unique cultures.

    We sincerely appreciate your continued loyalty and interest in supporting these efforts……GLOBAL GIFTS FOR GLOBAL PEOPLE~
    Blessings and Gratitude ~
    Namaste to all.

    More information: here

  • Vendor Highlight: Soul Gem Creations

    Handcrafted jewelry made of quartz and other beautiful stones. Made with love on the beautiful Vancouver Island located on the west coast of BC.19510291_1310219669075308_210773247753304918_n.jpg

    I am a mother of two who spends her spare time making jewelry out of healing crystals, gorgeous glass and rocks with optimal perfection!

    More information: here

  • Vendor Highlight: West Coast Witch

    One of a kind Ritual, Altar and Home Decor items.

    West Coast Witch is a local Valley business that specializes in handmade quilted and sewn pagan products. Truly Bewitching Stitching!



    From cloaks and robes, to tarot bags and quilted altar runners, West Coast Witch has a large selection of items for spell work, divination, seasonal altar ware, ritual celebration and Pagan home decor. No two items are exactly alike. Custom orders are welcome.

    More information: here

  • Vendor Highlight: Studio Esoterica

    ​Studio Esoterica is the brainchild of Cece Pitts Henderson (Gypsy Cece) of Vancouver Island, BC.  Gypsy is a disabled army veteran faced with the challenge of constantly seeking new ways to express herself artistically within the limits set by her physical capabilities.  Studio Esoterica was created to host this journey of One and to showcase Gypsy’s craftsmanship.  However, as fate would have it, Gypsy Cece met two other artists 20292950_1755237591440345_280598947848022910_n.jpgon their own artistic quests …. and soon the One became Three.  Studio Esoterica is not your typical gallery or marketplace, it’s an umbrella for Three spiritual and creative ladies to huddle together under and share their ideas and resources with one another so that each individual woman’s creative ventures shall flourish…. That, is Studio Esoterica.
    More information at: here