Share the Harvest: Cowichan Green Community Society

The theme of Pagan Pride all around the world is to Share the Harvest. Many of us have been blessed with abundance in various areas of our lives. Part of the mission of Pagan Pride Day is to give back to our communities.

Vancouver Island Pagan Pride is pleased to Share the Harvest with Cowichan Green Community Society!  Cowichan Green Community Society (CGC) is a non-profit organization that has been focusing on environmental sustainability in the Cowichan Region since 2004. CGC’s mandate is to improve food security by developing local capacity for food production, supporting equitable access, and strengthening the community’s health and resilience through food.

We need your help, too! When you come out to Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day to learn, to celebrate and to have fun, remember to bring your donations! Help us SHARE THE HARVEST! Our committee has been working hard to raise funds to host Pagan Pride Day and to be able to give back to this important organizations that contributes so much in our community.

You can support us and Cowichan Green Community Society by purchasing raffle tickets or by making a donation at Pagan Pride Day in Duncan on August 13th!

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