Workshop Presenters at Pagan Pride Day!

Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day introduces our fascinating workshop presenters! Visit the Inspiration Station in the Gaia Circle.

Haiku Poetry Writing at 12:15 presented by Marie Maccagno. Discover the magic in using this ancient art. A Middle Pillar Exercise and Meeting Ascended Masters at 2:00, always a Pagan Pride favourite workshop! Presented by David Zunker, Mystic Mountain Lodge. Magical Essential Oil Blends with Dawne Skeye at 3:00. Aromatherapy is one of the easiest ways to incorporate plant essences into everyday magic! Essential oils are a practical inexpensive way to boost magic. We’ll learn how to use essential oils safely, how to apply in different ways and situations, creating a base starter blend to add to all the products you produce.

Expand your awareness by attending these captivating workshops on Pagan Pride Day!

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