14th Annual Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day
Saturday, August 11th, 2018
10 am – 4 pm
Sooke Region Museum, Sooke
The Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day is an annual event held at various locations throughout Vancouver Island. Previous events have been held at Kin Park on the beautiful Departure Bay Beach in Nanaimo, the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds and most recently in Lewis Park, Courtenay. This year, we’re excited to move to the southern part of the island to magical Sooke!
The day is full of musical entertainment, speakers from around the province, demonstrations, workshops, vendor tables full of Pagan and Pagan friendly goods and services as well as great food!
The general public is invited and there are usually tables of reading materials, staffed by members of a range of Neopagan denominations. Speakers may focus on dispelling common misconceptions about Neopaganism, or they may seek to educate outsiders about the details of their particular beliefs and practices. This year’s event will include information about Pagans in the Military, as well as Pagans on the Inside – those members of pagan faith groups in prisons across Canada.
Pagan Pride Day has served to connect and educate people since the first event was held in 2005. This has facilitated the tremendous growth of our community. What was once a small gathering of like-minded people has blossomed into an annual festival offering a variety of entertainment, education, demonstrations, and vendors.
It has become a place to gather as a community and celebrate, and also to give back, through donations and support of the local food banks and other organizations. Last year, proceeds from the day went to support the Comox Valley Food Bank and Greenways Land Trust.
This event has allowed many to access information about Paganism as a religion and as a way of life in a safe environment. So join us to celebrate and share the harvest!
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