Vendor Highlight: Mystic Lotus

Our ladies clothing, jewelry, huge spiritual collection, musical instruments, home furnishings, and furniture are ALL FAIR TRADE and personally hand selected by our owner while on an overseas buying trip each year. This means that new stock is constantly arriving.
Make sure to check out MYSTIC LOTUS on FACEBOOK for a photo collection of her S.E. Asian buying trips as well as updates on our festival circuit and new PROMOS.
We do the SUMMER BY THE SEA market every Tuesday ( from 6pm to 9pm) on Craig St. in Parksville as well as many outdoor festivals and events around Vancouver Island year round…Watch for us !!!
In the winter we participate in several Fair Trade Christmas Craft Shows all up and down Vancouver Island….. including one in Parksville at Knox United Church, the FAIR CRAFT BAZAAR.
By continuously purchasing at Cottage Industry levels, we know exa
ctly who make our remarkable goods and we see first hand how this helps benefit our suppliers so they can continue to maintain their unique cultures.

We sincerely appreciate your continued loyalty and interest in supporting these efforts……GLOBAL GIFTS FOR GLOBAL PEOPLE~
Blessings and Gratitude ~
Namaste to all.

More information: here

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