Belladonna Laveau and Dusty Dionne of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Intl, join Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day to share the White Goddess Ritual.
The White Goddess Ritual: The Bright Mother, the All Mother, Queen of Heaven, longs to speak with you and hold you in her arms. In her nurturing embrace, She will reminds you that life is full of challenges and victories, that you are precious to her, and by learning your lessons, and bringing that knowledge and awareness to light, you enrich the lives of all whom you might touch. By whatever name you call her, come to speak with She, whom we adore, the Great Mother, who gives you life, and blesses your path with those things that you need. You will be able to speak directly with the Goddess, as She is invoked through Her Priestess, Belladonna Laveau the Archpriestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church.
Belladonna Laveau, APS
Bella is the Archpriestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Intl. and Dean of WiccanSeminary.EDU, the only formal Wiccan sponsored college. Bella’s book, Awakening Spirit, is used by our US Military to help chaplains minister to Wiccan Troops, and is part of the Freshman core curriculum in the Seminary. A Navy Veteran, Mother of three, and professional Spiritual Counselor; Bella is a full-time Wiccan Priestess. Her ministry helps professionalize Wiccan Clergy and provide resources for existing Wiccan ministers to be more effective in serving a modern congregation.
Dusty Dionne- Dusty Dionne, HP
Dusty is the High Summoner for the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, and High Priest of the Mother Church Congregation. Studying for 10 years at Pete Pathfinder’s knee, he has taken up Pete’s work as a civil rights champion and protector of religious rights, working with churches of all faiths all over the country, who find themselves hindered by their local law officials. Torn between stand-up comedian and a calling to serve Goddess, Dusty entertains us with humor and anecdotes, while revealing the mysteries of the path.
I was fortunate enough to attend this ritual at the Three Gate Gathering in 2016 and it was truly transformational. I received a deep healing to my very soul and I would sincerely recommend this event to anyone, regardless of path or training level.
The memories of that event still bring me to happy tears, if you get the opportunity- please experience it for yourself, and if you are lucky enough that Belladonna is the avatar of the White Goddess, I know you will have the same, deeply healing experience I did. Bella’s ability to channel the Mother is unprecedented in my experience, I cannot recommend her enough!