Call for help!

volunteer for vancouver island pagan pride dayPlans for Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day 2017 are well under way (have you marked August 12th on your calendar yet?), and we are always on the lookout for people to help out. Pagan Pride is run completely by volunteers, and many hands make light work.

We are looking for people to help out in many areas. If you might be able to help, even if you can’t take on the entire job (for example, as part of the advertising crew, you could hand out flyers and put up posters in your local area), please let us know, either by email or on Facebook.

Volunteer info session is on Wednesday, March 1st at 7:30 pm at Games and Grounds in Courtenay. Not in the Comox Valley? That’s ok! We can connect you via Skype – just send us an email.

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