Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes EH Pottery!
My name is Emma, and I am passionate about ceramic art. I love playing with clay and spending time exploring the alchemy of ceramics to develop new projects from the natural world. Some of my creations range from fungi-inspired cups and tea-pots to bee decorated plates and bowls I’ve christened ‘bee-ware. Working with clay and ceramics, I find a connection to each and every element in our magical realm. Earth through clay, water to shape, fire to harden, air to decorate and spirals at the heart of everything. As I continue to create in the physical realm, I find new ways to create not just objects, but pieces that matter and have meaning behind them.
The idea of each piece I create being used for something, as part of a morning ritual of coffee or a sharing of a drink with friends is extremely satisfying to me. Specific pieces intended for ritual have begun to make their way into my work as well.
You can see more of Emma’s work at EH Pottery on Esty.
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