Vendor Highlight: Deep Peace and Oracle

Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Deep Peace and Oracle!

luciaLucia Brodie of Deep Peace offers intuitive readings, such as past life and aura readings. She also offers chair healings, done by the guides, where a person`s aura is balanced so their body and spirit feel more grounded, relaxed and rejuvenated.

Audrey Mackenzie of Oracle is a 5th generation clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient. Over forty years ago, she decided to use this gift to help people physically, emotionally, metaphysically and spiritually. Along with being an intuitive spiritual counselor,  my readings are channeled from your angels and guides clairaudiently and with automatic writing. Audrey will be offering psychic readings.

Visit Deep Peace online here, and Oracle online here, then come visit them at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day!


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