Remember to bring your donations!

wheat_pentacleThe theme of Pagan Pride all around the world is to Share the Harvest. Many of us have been blessed with abundance in various areas of our lives. Part of the mission of Pagan Pride Day is to give back to our communities.

Vancouver Island Pagan Pride has selected the Comox Valley Food Bank and LUSH Valley Food Action Society as the beneficiaries of this year’s event.

headLogoThe Comox Valley Food Bank distributes free emergency food to people in need. As a non-profit organization committed to reducing hunger since 1983, the CVFB gathers food and cash donations to support food distribution and collection programs. The CVFB reaches a wide range of urban and rural populations in the Comox Valley, from Oyster River in the North to Cook Creek in the South, including Hornby and Denman Island residents.

LUSH ValleyLUSH Valley is a charitable, non-profit organization focusing on food security. They support food-related projects to educate and empower the people of the Comox Valley towards personal wellness, community health, and environmental stewardship. LUSH Valley supports local, sustainable food production at home and on the farm. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have dignified access to nutritious, safe, personally acceptable, and culturally appropriate foods produced in ways that are environmentally sound and socially just. LUSH = Let Us Share the Harvest.

Our committee has been working hard to raise finds to host Pagan Pride Day and be able to give back to these important organizations that contribute so much in our community.

We need your help, too. When you come out to Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day to learn, to celebrate and to have fun, remember to bring your donations of food, household goods, and cash donations! Help us SHARE THE HARVEST!


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