Vendor Highlight: Forest Spirit Creations

Vancouver Island Pagan Pride welcomes Forest Spirit Creations!

Forest Spirit Creations 2Forest Spirit Creations is a Family oriented Healing Practice/ Business. The whole family takes an active part in making the Plant Medicines, from going out and Wildcrafting/ Foraging, to creating the Medicines/ Products. From the Forest to the Kitchen to the Mind, Body and Spirit of All.

We create Lotions and Potions in small batches with Ethically Sourced, Organic and/ or Wild Crafted Ingredients.

We also create Magical items to adorn your body with things collected from the Forest, such as Necklaces made with REAL leafs, Medicine Bottle Necklaces, Mini Books Necklaces to Crystal and Bone items 🙂

Ruth Aimee will also be here offering Henna Tattoos.

Visit Forest Spirit Creations on Facebook, then come visit them at Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day!

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